Integrity and Mental Health
If you’re depressed, mentally fatigued, feeling hopeless, or lost - try telling the truth. Tell yourself the truth. It’s the path out of chaos and the simplest brain fix - free, no bio hacking, no modalities and no supplements - save your money, integrity is the foundation of mental health, period.
For 23 years, I was sober. In 2020, the world flipped, Covid and mixed messages swirled, legacy media unraveled, healthcare turned upside down—vast amounts of information that was trusted as truth crumbled. From 2020 our collective consciousness cracked open, exposing new messages about health, control and perceptions of reality.
One lie propped up another, then another—mental quicksand. I couldn’t keep up with my narrative let alone the collective narrative. My brain, turned toxic—unmoored from truth. Confusion led to shitty choices: poor sleep, toxic food and alcohol. Massive inflammation followed — physical erosion mirroring the chaos in my brain.
In 2020, truth was a moving target — every headline, every “expert,” every old belief shattered—a paradigm shifts most didn’t see coming. There is no fix for being out of integrity but surrender to the truth. When you ignore the hard truth, the brain naturally compensates, crafting its own web of stories to protect the original story. The stories are thoughts that create feelings, feelings create actions, actions create reality. Choose stories over truth, and you’re selling your mental and physical health for a cheap high.
Lies lead to “disintegration and malevolence”— a toxic brain where dis-ease festers. Mine did—confusion, chaos, collapse—until I stopped swallowing false narratives then addressed my physical health. Carl Jung warned, “No tree can grow to Heaven unless its roots reach down to Hell.” That hell was resistance to my experience— personal false narratives tangled up in a physically toxic body. Surrender to your experience head on as difficult as that may be then address the symptoms of your experience - mental and physical health.
Integrity isn’t perfection—it’s owning your mess, owning your humanness. One lie—to yourself or others—guards your ego but torches your brain, ultimately your mental and physical health. Tell the truth, first to yourself and then start your journey to heal your brain and central nervous system. Truth first, always.