Start Where You Are
One of my favorite descriptions of why we have a sick population comes from Dr. Casey Means in her book Good Energy. She says, “Too much sugar, too much stress, too much sitting, too many screens, too much pollution, too many pesticides, too many pills, too little sleep, and too few micronutrients. These trends, along with trillions of dollars behind them, are causing epidemic levels of dysfunction and underpowered, sick, inflamed bodies.”
Yet, there is a solution, and you can take action to change the trajectory of your health.
When it comes to brain health, there are no easy, quick fixes to repair and heal your brain. The body is a whirling mass of trillions of molecules, and your brain is supported by thousands of complex systems within the body. I am not an MD. However, I am dedicated to healing my own body and brain and sharing that experience to help others. I have experienced life-changing results by addressing the root causes of inflammation in my body and failing brain. That said, my journey is not your journey, so take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
It is important to follow steps in order when healing your brain. You cannot heal your brain without first addressing basic imbalances in your body. Detoxing your environment, sleep patterns, movement, water, sunlight, energetic boundaries, breathing, sweating are all essential before the deeper work of healing your brain and body can begin.
Putting the cart before the horse does not work. There are no shortcuts or quick-fix guides to healing your brain. And there is no shortage of information available along the way. The work involves self-love, self-compassion, and taking the next best step, no matter how big or small. Even if the next step is simply staying alive one more day.
Your body wants to live and be healthy; it will fight like hell to stay that way. One more second, one more step, one more breath—keep going because persistence is undefeated. Start where you are, even if today is day one or you have tried endless solutions to heal your brain and body. You don’t need anything but the will to start and the courage to take the next step.