Start Where You Are

One of my favorite descriptions of why we have a sick population comes from Dr. Casey Means in her book Good Energy. She says, “Too much sugar, too much stress, too much sitting, too many screens, too much pollution, too many pesticides, too many pills, too little sleep, and too few micronutrients. ...

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Brain Inflammation

“Mental illness is inflammation of the brain.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

Inflammation is the root cause of all major illnesses. It is your body’s response to poor metabolic function. Reduce inflammation in your body, and you will feel better—period.

The average person is exposed to hundreds of chemicals an...

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You cannot outrun an inflamed brain and body. The first Ironman I completed was Ironman France. I trained three to eight hours per day for a year. The first ultrarunning race I completed was a 50-kilometer event with 6,500 feet of steep elevation gains. While training, I would leave home when it was...

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Integrity and Mental Health

If you’re depressed, mentally fatigued, feeling hopeless, or lost - try telling the truth. Tell yourself the truth. It’s the path out of chaos and the simplest brain fix - free, no bio hacking, no modalities and no supplements - save your money, integrity is the foundation of mental health, period.

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